Come along with us as we get to know Andrea the artist...

(BB) Baggins Blog: Can you tell us a little bit about yourself - How did you get your start in illustration? Any random facts we should know about you?

(AS) Andrea Soos: I am an abstract painter and illustrator. I started as an artsy kid and did my schooling in art history and art education at UVIC. From there I taught art classes for all ages all over the city and a couple of years ago took a break from teaching to focus on my art.

(BB): Can you tell us a little about how you found your signature style?

(AS): Lots and lots of hours of experimentation and play!

(BB): What is your favourite thing about being an artist?

(AS): Creativity is healing and playful and exciting. I never know what will come out of a day in the studio. It’s like magic.

(BB): Can you talk us through your Artist Collaboration with Baggins?

(AS): My sons and I live in our slip-on vans and when my youngest wanted to make his own custom vans, it made me think of your artist program. We chose a single painting broken up into two different shoes, which I love.

(BB): What is your favourite thing to do in your city?

(AS): Walk to any of our gorgeous beaches!

(BB): Can you tell us about the space where you create?

(AS): My studio is a small space in my backyard which is messy, disorganized, and full of creativity!

(BB): What are the circumstances where you feel most inspired?

(AS): In my studio, listening to good music.

(BB): Is there something you can’t live without in your studio?

(AS): My speaker! And my favourite brushes.

(BB): What was the best concert you’ve ever attended?

(AS): Beck. All of them. He is a great live performer and artist.

(BB): What advice would you want to tell artists breaking into the “scene”? Tips for emerging/existing creatives?

(AS): Just keep working. Put the hours of work in and results come. Enjoy the process. Have fun and don’t be too precise.

(BB): Any book/movie/podcast/etc recommendations?

(AS): As a kid of the 80s/90s, I love You’re Wrong About podcast.

(BB): If you were stuck on a deserted island, what 3 things would you bring?

(AS): My sketchbook, headphones, and my kids. 😊

I think it’s safe to say we’re very thankful to have the opportunity to work with the amazing Andrea Soos. Make sure to check her collaboration shoes with us here, and go take a look at her artwork either on her Instagram or website! ✨


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